Using CPAP with a cold: continue or take a brake?

Last Updated on February 11, 2022

If you are using CPAP and you get a cold, do you continue using it or take a break? This is a question that many people face when they come down with the common cold. In this article, we will explore both options and help you decide what is best for you.

Should you use CPAP when you have a Cold?

There is no one definitive answer to this question. Some people find that they can continue using CPAP even when they have a cold, while others find that they need to take a break. It all depends on the individual and the severity of their cold.

If you are feeling congested or have a fever, it is best to take a break from CPAP for the duration of your cold. If you continue to use it, then you could make yourself worse instead of better.

If you have been using CPAP for only a few days and are feeling congested or have a fever, there is no need to stop using it altogether – just wait until these symptoms subside before restarting therapy again later on down the road when they go away completely (if at all).

The decision as to whether one should use their PAP device while sick with flu-like symptoms is often left up to personal preference, but some experts suggest avoiding them entirely during this time period because viruses can spread through saliva droplets that might be blown out into people’s faces by exhalation valves on many types of devices.

Additionally, many CPAP machines do not have filters designed for filtering out airborne particles such as viruses and bacteria from the air that passes through them. Therefore if you are sick with an illness like flu or a cold it’s best to put off using your PAP device until you’ve recovered enough so as not risk getting others sick too!

How to use CPAP with a Cold?

Get a Heated Humidifier

A heated humidifier will keep your airways moist, which can help you breathe easier when you have a cold. It also helps reduce congestion by making it harder for mucus to build up inside of them – this leads less snoring too! You may want to consider getting one if you don’t already own one or think about upgrading from your current device because they are very effective at reducing symptoms associated with respiratory illnesses such as the common cold and flu-like viruses that cause these issues in people who suffer from sleep apnea (OSA).

In addition, having an increased amount of moisture available during therapy sessions means there will be less dryness caused by CPAP usage over time since more water vapor gets released into your lungs instead of being trapped inside them where it can cause discomfort when coughing up mucus due to congestion or other conditions that affect breathing patterns like allergies and asthma.

Relieve nasal mucus swelling with nasal drops or sprays

If you are congested, using a nasal drop or spray can help to relieve swelling and open your airways. Talk to your doctor before using any over-the-counter medications.

Replace the nasal mask or cannulas with an oronasal model

This will help to keep the nasal passages open and allow you to breathe through your nose. This is important because when you have a cold, your nose becomes congested and airflow through the nose is restricted. Breathing through the mouth can cause more dryness and irritation.

If you are using a humidifier with your CPAP machine, increase the humidity setting to help loosen congestion.

Replace the filter in your machine if it is dirty. A dirty filter will decrease the efficiency of your machine and could cause an infection.

Use over-the-counter saline spray or drops to loosen congestion and relieve sinus pressure. You can also use a neti pot to irrigate your nasal passages .

Care of the CPAP mask during Illness

If you have a cold or the flu, be sure to wash your mask daily, and also use an antibacterial cleaner on it. Be sure that the mask is completely dry before using again. If this sounds like too much trouble while you are sick, then just take a break from CPAP until you feel better. It’s not worth getting yourself more sick by spreading germs through your CPAP mask! Also remember if possible to sterilize the humidifier chamber with water and vinegar solution so as to kill any bacteria lurking in there.

Try to use CPAP Sanitizer

If you are feeling up to it, another way to clean your CPAP equipment is to use a CPAP sanitizer. This will kill any bacteria or viruses on the mask and tubing. You can buy a CPAP sanitizer or make your own by using hydrogen peroxide and water.

Remember that if you have a cold or the flu, it is best to take a break from CPAP until you feel better. Washing your mask and equipment daily is important, but may be too much trouble when you are sick. Use of a CPAP sanitizer can help keep your equipment clean, but always consult your doctor before starting any new treatment regimen. Stay healthy!

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